Thursday 5 December 2013

Homemade French Salad Dressing

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You may find the title of my post “Homemade French Salad Dressing, The American Kind” a bit strange. What does she mean French dressing the America kind? What I mean is that this so called “French” salad dressing is not French but rather an American invention. In France salad dressings are light vinaigrettes. My favorite and the one I came across most often was a delicious and light mustard vinaigrette. As a matter of fact the whole time we lived in France never once did we see a orange-red thick salad dressing like the “French” dressing found in the states and other countries. Wait, on one very rare occasion we actually found a bottle of an orange-red dressing, and it was called American Salad Dressing. When we opened it we realized that the flavor was exactly as the “French” dressing we used to purchase in the US. In Prague Hellman’s sells the American “French” dressing and is called Francouzsky or French. But there is another local brand that sells this as American rather than French.

Did I loose or confuse you guys enough yet? Ok, so the bottom line is that the orange-red sweet-tart salad dressing you see in the photos is an American invention. If you are in France save yourself the embarrassment and do not ask for the orange-red salad dressing at a local restaurant, also don’t complain when your salad does not arrive with that salad dressing but a vinaigrette instead. In case you are wondering, yes I saw Americans in Paris complaining about this. If you simply must have the American “French” dressing then check at a grocery store that carries foreign ingredients.

recipe, French salad dressing, salad dressing, salad, dressing, French, orange dressing, red dressing, Spicie Foodie, food, blog, food blog, how to make French Salad dressing, homemade salad dressing, homemade

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